Friday, January 16, 2009

It boiled!

It's been a while since my last blog post, but I just wasn't finding inspiration. Heaven knows I tried! I was beginning to think a watched pot of inspiration might not boil. But yesterday, when I least expected it - it boiled!

I've been a little concerned for society lately. I see people elevating their needs above others all of the time. I'm not talking about big things. I'm talking about the little gestures. Karma. People constantly cut in and out of traffic - obviously thinking their lives and schedules are more important than the rest of us who have been waiting patiently. Others choose not to open doors for someone with their hands full. You know what I'm talking about.

Last night, I watched a show called "What Would You Do" that I had on DVR. The show does social experiments. For instance, one couple (actors) went out to a restaurant and sits at the bar. They made it very clear that they were on a first date. When the girl, who is dressed very classically and sweet, goes to the restroom - the other people at the bar witness the man pour powder into her drink. Then, the man goes to the restroom when she gets back - to see if maybe people will say something to her while he's gone.

The experiment was then repeated with her dressed more provacatively and in a lot of makeup.

It was then that I saw one of the most repulsive things ever. People judged her appearance and came to the conclusion that she "deserved it." Far less people came to her rescue. In fact, two guys saw the whole thing and not only didn't try and stop it - but seemed to actually condone it based on their actions.

Wow. Did that few people really do the right thing? Did that many people feel it was their place to judge her based on how she looked and put her in a potentially dangerous situation? Perhaps society was far worse off than I thought.

Then, I turned on the news. Normally, this is a fairly depressing experience - but not last night.

Details were coming in about what is now being called The Miracle on the Hudson. Not only did the pilot who is affectionately called "Sully" complete the first successful landing of a commercial aircraft on water, but he personally walked up and down the aisles - making sure each and every passenger made it out safely.

Wow. THIS is leadership. THIS is a person who "gets it."

I read an article on Yahoo about yesterday's events and saw that facebook groups were started to show appreciation for this heroic effort, so I decided to join one. Reading through the wall posts brought tears to my eyes. These people all "got it" too. They were inspired and grateful - isn't that what it's all about?

Taking a second to let someone in line while traffic is merging or treating someone kindly who doesn't look or dress like you isn't exactly as heroic as this great man's work yesterday - but it feels that way to the other person.

Thank you, Sully. Thank you for your quick thinking, your leadership and your kindness - but perhaps most of all, thank you for inspiring so many people to maybe make the right choice the next time and for reminding us to live our life with kindness in mind.

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