Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Art of Cropping

The photo at the top of this blog is one I took at the Cleveland Air Show a couple of years ago. I wasn't happy with the picture at all.

It was of the front of the plane - and I didn't center the photo quite right and there was all kinds of static in the background. A good friend of mine (who is an amazing photographer) started talking to me about the art of cropping. He suggested that it's impossible to always achieve perfection in your shots - and that much is done to enhance digital photography on the back end.

So, I went back to a few shots and played around with them. I cropped this particular photo to what you see now. Lo and behold - I love it now!

A-ha! What if I applied the photographic technique of cropping to my life? Might I be happy with what I see when I cut out the static and lack of centering?

Sure enough - I realize that my life is pretty good.

I don't live in a mansion. My job drives me insane sometimes. I drive a glorified minivan disguised as an SUV. Single parenting is challenging on a good day.

But here's what I do have.

I have absolutely amazing friends who help me grow and show support like you wouldn't believe. I have a teenage daughter who is pretty terrific. My job is never boring. My parents are still on this Earth. I have the opportunity to make my life what I want it to be.

How can you shift your view and see the parts that are perfect and beautiful?


  1. I will do you one better: as long as you can not only crop out the bad parts, but truly train a sharper focus on the sometimes small, but ever-present subject, you can be appreciative.

    Its the truest key there is to true happiness and joy.

    I have a couple of rules to live by, and both are sacred to me. One is the Golden Rule, with a twist. The second is that "whether you think you can or think you can NOT, you are right."

    As for the twist on the Do Unto Others rule, it is simply this: do it without expectation or want of recognition, compensation, or reward. And mean it!

  2. Shoot, I need to crop my comments better. I meant to start with "You are absolutely right and I agree with you strongly.
