Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cool Stuff I Like

Here are a few cool things I've found recently. You can choose not to check them out, but your cool factor is going to go way, way down. You make that call.

- The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. You might know him from the Chicken Soup series. To be honest, I haven't read those books because they seemed a little too schmaltzy (surely I didn't spell that right) for me. However, this book of his is absolutely amazing. It's like he's giving the reader this roadmap to life. It's organized in short chapters in which he imparts knowledge about various topics. It's the ultimate guide to business - and ultimately - success at life. If you only buy one book of the personal development genre, pick this one.

- Steve Pavlina's blog - Personal Development for Smart People. I just discovered this amazing blog and really look forward to making my way through his awesome posts on just about every topic under the sun.

- The Pioneer Woman blog - This is one cool and funny chick. I'm particularly drawn to the cooking portion where she shows a picture of each step in every recipe. I don't care if you've just eaten filet mignon (medium rare, of course!) --- you WILL be motivated to try her amazing recipes. If you are overwhelmed and need a place to start, I highly recommend the lasagna. And don't be surprised if you develop a little crush on Pastor Ryan. You'll know what I mean when you check it out! :)

- True Lemon packets - Greatest. Product. Ever. I'm a Coke addict (the soda kind, sicko!) and have been trying to break the habit. The problem? Water isn't interesting. At all. I discovered these awesome little packets near where you buy sugar packets. They are just dehydrated lemon. No calories. No bad for you anything. They go anywhere and when you drop them into a bottle of water, it tastes just like you squeezed fresh lemon in there. Voila! Not so sucky water! And they are WAY cheaper than any other water additive at under $3 for 32 packets. Yay!

So, there you have it. Some cool stuff I've recently discovered and recommend. Imparting this knowledge bomb on you also makes me feel better because I've written some stuff. How cool is that?